United States Presidents

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  1. G. Washington   2. J. Adams   3. T. Jefferson   4. J. Madison   5. J. Monroe   6. J. Q. Adams   7. A. Jackson
  8. M. Van Buren   9. W. Harrison 10. J. Tyler 11. J. K. Polk 12. Z. Taylor 13. M. Fillmore 14. F. Pierce
15. J. Buchanan 16. A. Lincoln 17. A. Johnson 18. U. Grant 19. R. Hayes 20. J. Garfield 21. C. Arthur
22. G. Cleveland 23. B. Harrison 24. G. Cleveland 25. W. McKinley 26. T. Roosevelt 27. W. Taft 28. W. Wilson
29. W. Harding 30. C. Coolidge 31. H. Hoover 32. F. Roosevelt 33. H. Truman 34. D. Eisenhower 35. J. Kennedy
36. L. Johnson 37. R. Nixon 38. G. Ford 39. J. Carter 40. R. Reagan 41. G. Bush 42. W. Clinton
43. G. W. Bush 44. B. Obama 45. D. Trump 46. J. Biden

Zachary Taylor

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Birthplace: Montebello, Highway 33, Barboursville, VA (Marker)

Visited: 10/15/10

Log Excerpt: "Back in the car west a ways on back roads and found the birthplace marker (at “Montebello”) of Zachary Taylor in Barboursville, after a bit of a search since my waypoint was off."

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Home: Zachary Taylor House NHL, 5608 Apache Road, Louisville, KY

Visited: 4/21/21

Log Excerpt: "This was the boyhood home of the President, who lived there from 1795 to 1808, held his marriage there in 1810, and returned there periodically the rest of his life. This is in a very upscale neighborhood, and they had a big KY historical sign right out front, along with nice signs on the gates across the driveway. The formal front of the house is in fact around back with a courtyard; maybe they needed the gates to keep people like us from trying to check it out!"

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White House


Home: White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC

Visited: 8/1968, 10/16/2022 etc. Photo 10/16/2022

White House Residence: 1849-1850

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Gravesite: Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, 4701 Brownsboro Road, St. Matthews, KY

Visited: 4/21/21

Log Excerpt: "Zachary Taylor Grave, in Zachary Taylor National Cemetery. With the spring growth, lower sun and classic rows of military gravestones it was an oddly pleasant place to be while we photoed ZT’s mausoleum and monument/statue."