United States Presidents

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Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Birthplace: Springwood, 4097 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park, NY (Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site)

Visited: 7/14/91

Log Excerpt: "... drove to Hyde Park ... and toured FDR house [Home of Franklin Delano Roosevelt NHS], grave, museum - very interesting."

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Home: Campobello, New Brunswick, Canada (Roosevelt-Campobello International Park)

Visited: 6/29/08

Log Excerpt: "Up the coast a little and into NB Canada on Campobello Island and to Roosevelt-Campobello International Park, where FDR went as a boy and visited throughout his life. Saw a film in the visitor center, then walked through the very inviting home with guides in different rooms. Again, views would have been fantastic sans fog. Took a short trail down to the water and noted how really high the pilings on the floating docks were to manage the huge tidal change."

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Home: 200 Madison Avenue, New York, NY

Visited: 3/6/17

Log Excerpt: "Moving back in time we went to where Roosevelt had previously been living at 200 Madison Avenue, with his widowed mother."

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Home: 125 East 36th Street, New York, NY

Visited: 3/6/17

Log Excerpt: "Back on the subway downtown for a few stops, and a short walk to two Franklin Roosevelt homes. When Roosevelt got married, he and Eleanor moved into a brownstone at 125 East 36th Street."

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Home: 47-49 East 65th Street

Visited: 3/6/17

Log Excerpt: "... and then walked to 47-49 East 65th Street. Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt lived here; in 1907, two years after they got married, they moved into the townhouse along with his mother, Sara. The building currently houses the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College."

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Home: Little White House State Historic Site, White Springs, GA

Visited: 4/20/24

Log Excerpt: "Drove south a little over an hour to Warm Springs for a return visit to the Little White House SHS, arriving 9 minutes after opening. While trying to get through the nice museum fairly briskly, I was getting stories from a helpful ranger about many pieces in the collection, but eventually moved on, being more interested in the home itself. Walking on the nice grounds I headed down to the very attractive Little White House FDR had constructed. I got a really nice personal tour from an older woman who described the design and furnishings of the home FDR came to many times, and where he died. They had the actual chair and table he worked at, and where he collapsed while having his portrait done, as well as the bed he died in. The influence of FDR’s love of the sea was obvious, from a large portrait of John Paul Jones to many beautiful ship models. In a separate building I saw the unfinished watercolor portrait from when he died, and the oil painting the artist Elizabeth Shoumatoff later completed."

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Gravesite: 4097 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park, NY (Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site)

Visited: 7/14/91

Log Excerpt: "... drove to Hyde Park ... and toured FDR house [Home of Franklin Delano Roosevelt NHS], grave, museum - very interesting."

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Museum/Library: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, 4079 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park, NY

Visited: 7/11/2011

Log Excerpt: "... we moved on north to Hyde Park and the FDR complex. For this trip we were only interested in the Museum/Library so we got tickets at the VC and headed over. The museum was very interesting but not extraordinary. It did have good vignettes of the oval office, fireside chat room and the secret map room during the war."